In addition to studying curriculum development at the University of Dayton, and Michigan State University, Tom has developed curriculum and designed instruction throughout his career. 

As a high school teacher, he developed curriculum in two new schools, Moeller High School in Cincinnati and the John F. Kennedy School in West Berlin. At Waverly Schools he oversaw the writing and development of a K-12 curriculum in art and won a $300,000 competitive grant in the process. 

As secondary school principal at the Taipei American School, he oversaw the complete revision of the curriculum in every department. This (along with other changes) resulted in an average increase of 40 points in verbal and 30 points in math SAT scores over a four year period. 

While Manager of Instruction at Comserv Corporation, he played a significant role in curriculum development. courses such as Standard Cost, Production Control, Lot Traceability and other aspects of Comserv's MRPII software. 

From 1981 to 1986 he wrote or supervised the writing of the entire curriculum used at MICROWORX, a computer training facility for employees of Fortune 1000 companies in Minneapolis. MICROWORX taught business people from most major Twin Cities corporations (Pillsbury, NSP, 3M, CDC, Ford, etc.) how to use the Personal Computer and software associated with it. This curriculum formed the basis of the interactive video programs developed by Active Learning Systems, Inc. (ALS). Portions were republished by Science Research Associates (An IBM publishing subsidiary) and Harcourt, Brace, (the largest college textbook publisher in the U.S.). Rights to this curriculum were purchased by many organizations (e.g., Honeywell, Burlington Northern, Computer Applications and the State of Minnesota). 

During 1989 he surveyed available instructional technology for M.B.A. programs for the University of St. Thomas, and helped coordinate the development of an entry system including non credit and one credit courses that provided entering students with a uniform knowledge and skill base in accounting, statistics and marketing so they could begin the M.B.A. program on a firm foundation.

Since 1990 he coached faculty members throughout the country regarding curriculum design and online education in a wide variety of subject areas including psychology, education, language, science, math, accounting, management and many other subjects. This included coaching faculty and students as a guest professor at the Hochschule für Kunst und Gestaltung (College of Art and Design) in Germany during 1995.

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